- Sustainability
Sustainability: Our Role in Creating a Better World
”My father who started Dinex in 1982, used to say that clean air is a birth-right. Dinex has always been, and always will be dedicated to technologies and solutions for continuously minimizing the environmental footprint of heavy-duty vehicles – so thinking Sustainability into everything we do comes natural to us.“
- Torben Dinesen, CEO & Owner

A Part of the Solution
Through our products and solutions which are installed in over 500.000 vehicles all over the world, Dinex is an active contributor to a cleaner environment, serving quality of life for people all over the planet. Diesel engines in modern Heavy-duty trucks are today cleaner than ever, thanks to Exhaust emission AfterTreatment Solutions (ATS) – and we are continuing to improve, with several innovative milestones coming up over the next years. But we are also in a time of transition. The climate calls for action, and decarbonization is vital to preserving the planet as we know it for the next decades. Dinex is fully committed to this challenge, and while setting ambitious targets for bringing down our own footprint, we will be a prominent advocate for solutions to bring down that of the transport industry. Engine and fuel diversification is a necessity to succeed with the global decarbonization of the transport industry because not all technologies are equally green or feasible across all applications and in all regions of the world. But whatever solution fits the market best, Dinex will be ready with solutions to ensure that Climate and Environment always go hand-in-hand
Our Sustainability Policy

Direct and indirect material consumption is continuously reduced while prioritizing recyclability out of respect for the planet’s limited resources.

We continuously search for ways of reducing our footprint by focusing holistically on our use of electricity, water, heating, and external services such as transport and traveling.

Social sustainability to us is a framework for a modern and ethical compliant workplace where all employees feel safe, valued, meaningful and constantly evolving as people.

Partnerships with the societies around us and our customers require us to take certain social responsibilities, contribute to the objectives of the supply chains in which we are part, and keep innovating to ensure that future decarbonization technologies are still environmentally clean.